I am not the perfect mother. I'm not even an expert in the mothering department. What I am, is a mother who survived three babies, toddlers, preschoolers and lived to tell about it. I don't remember much of it, because it all flew by so freaking fast, but I have survived the first 9 years of motherhood with my sanity mostly intact.
Today, and every Friday until she finds a full-time nanny, I'm going to be helping my dear friend care for her baby. I'm looking forward to getting my baby fix, and she's hoping to LEARN from me. Since I'm the only person she knows locally who has survived the whole baby raising thing I feel a little pressure, internally, to not steer her in the wrong direction. I did mention that the first 9 years of motherhood has flown by and I don't remember much, right? I haven't changed a diaper in years, don't remember the last time I mixed formula (my babies preferred momma milk), and while she desperately wants to get him on a schedule, my kids still aren't on one.
I do remember a few things, now that I've retrieved my thinking cap from under the couch.
1) My kids forgot to read the baby books and did nothing babies were "supposed to do" when they were "supposed to do it."
2) I never slept at night even when they slept.
3) I didn't take enough pictures!
4) I didn't take enough naps!
5) I didn't have enough arms!
6) I never felt so much love!
7) I didn't pray enough!
8) I worried too much!
9) I always felt like I was doing everything wrong!
10) My babies loved me anyway!
Wow, that wasn't so hard! Maybe I can get through the day without trying to convince her to leave him for the wolves to raise!
Oh, I soooo worried to much! Being a first time mom is an amazing/trying experience, and we constantly learn new things as we go. Great post :)